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Paternity Law

Paternity law in Texas has undergone a number of significant changes in recent years and family law attorneys are the most qualified at understanding these legal changes.

Issues of child custody and child support do not just affect divorcing spouses. There are many couples who have children outside of marriage, and later face legal issues regarding their children when they terminate their romantic relationships. These matters fall into an area of law known as paternity law.

Supporting Mothers And Fathers During Difficult Paternity Issues

There are many reasons why clients seek legal counsel regarding paternity issues. Some are unwed mothers who are seeking child support from their children’s father. Some are men who challenge paternity and therefore need help dismissing wrongful claims for support of children who are not their own. And some are unwed fathers who are being denied access to their children. Regardless of what situation you are in, I am here to help you, too.

I represent mothers, fathers, and fathers in question during these difficult paternity disputes. I understand that protecting your parental rights or your financial rights is highly important — so I work quickly to help you resolve these matters.

Establishing or disproving paternity can usually be done with a simple DNA test. Once we have the positive results admitted into court evidence, we can work with the other party to find a mutual agreement to your dispute. If the results are negative, the matter will likely be dismissed, unless there are extenuating circumstances in your case.

Not sure how paternity laws will affect you? Contact my law firm for a free case evaluation. I can explain your legal rights and options, and help you decide how to proceed.